Bitchavas Georgios
Schroth Therapist
Phone 1: +302641024245
Phone 2: +306936919085
Company: House of Rehab
Address: Archimidous 43, Agrinio, Greece
Tasigiannaki Stavroula
Schroth Therapist
Phone 1: (+30) 6973032417
Phone 2: (+30) 2710242348
Address: : Eleftheriou Venizelou 25,Tripoli
Michaela Kirmoutsou
Schroth Therapist
Phone: +306948899471
Company: TherapyLab Chalkida
Address: Chalkida - Eretria
Evgenia Pischina
Schroth Therapist
Phone 1: 6945770522
Phone 2: 2221037565
Company: Therapylab Chalkida
Address: Kanithos - Chalkida
Periandros Louizidis
Schroth Therapist
Phone 1: +30 22410 22219
Phone 2: +30 6948544765
Company: Physiotherapy Center- Periandros Louizidis & Associates
Address: Rhodes, Greece
Zacharias Dimitriadis PhD
Schroth Therapist
Phone: +306947250304
Company: Physiotherapy Department/University of Thessaly
Address: Lamia, Greece
Aspasia Polydorou MSc, PT
Schroth Therapist
Phone: +306977542992
Address: Manualphysiotherapy, Karaiskaki 23, Glyfada
Giorgos Koumoulas Doupis
Schroth Therapist
Phone: +30 6936731655
Address: Skoufa 24a Athens TK10673
Liapi Eirini
Schroth Therapist
Phone 1: +302351077819
Phone 2: +306976276111
Company: Paediatric Physiotherapy Clinic - Spinal Deformities
Address: Kassandrou 45, Katerini, 60100,
Despoina Deli
Schroth Therapist
Phone 1: +30210 5324 325
Phone 2: +3069810 38 807
Address: Athens, Greece
Eva Skaftourou
Schroth Therapist
Phone: +306976208162
Company: Athens Scoliosis
Address: Korai 60 Moschato TK 18345
Selmin Ervin Arsoy
Schroth Therapist
Phone: +90 05356659404
Company: Istanbul Florence Nigthingale Hospital
Adress: Istanbul, Şişli, Turkey
Okan Günay
Schroth Therapist
Phone: 05377914949
Company: Mediform Sağlıklı Yaşam Merkezi
Address: Hatay, Turkey
Öznur Büyükturan PT, PhD, Assoc. Prof.
Schroth Therapist
Phone: +903862805369
GSM: +905054933054
Company: Ahi Evran University, School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation
Address: 40100 Kırşehir, Turkey
Yağmur Yarayan
Schroth Therapist
Phone: 05399890125
Company: Sportomed
Address: İstanbul/Suadiye, Turkey
Banu Yavuz
Schroth Therapist
Phone: 5337858379
Company: Skosteo Sağlıklı Yaşam Merkezi
Address: Ankara, Turkey
A. Şebnem Tekin
Schroth Therapist
Phone: 05063160816
Company: Alanya Hep Üniversitesi
Address: Alanya, Turkey
Serkan Yandık
Schroth Therapist
Phone: 05448699199
Company: Fizyosport
Address: Antalya/Konyaaltı, Turkey
Sevim Aydur
Schroth Therapist
Phone: 05071989401
Company: Sanita Sağlıklı Yaşam Merkezi
Address: İzmir, Turkey
Saadet Takırtaş
Schroth Therapist
Phone: 05072290124
Company: INC Sağlık Egzersiz Danışmanlık Merkezi
Address: Adana, Turkey
Rabia Çetin
Schroth Therapist
Phone: 05336533693
Company: Çiftehavuzlar Fizik Tedavi Merkezi
Address: İstanbul/Kadıköy, Turkey